Group Blogging - A Great Opportunity for Writers

I am so excited. Recently, I’ve joined the talented authors on Writers Who Kill as one of their regular bloggers. Check out the site. I love the variety of posts. My first post goes up in June.

And I love hanging out with this amazing group: Paula Gail Benson, Connie Berry, Sarah E. Burr, Warren Bull, Annette Dashofy, E. B. Davis, Mary Dutta, Debra H. Goldstein, Margaret S. Hamilton, Lori Roberts Herbst, Jim Jackson, Marilyn Levinson/Allison Brook, Molly MacRae, Lisa Malice, Korina Moss, Shari Randall/Meri Allen, Martha Reed, Linda Rodriguez, Susan Van Kirk, and Grace Topping.

Group blogging is a great opportunity for writers. If you get the opportunity, give it a try.

  • You get to share the load with other writers. If everyone takes a turn, there’s a lot of content to share.

  • You get introduced to new readers.

  • You get to introduce your readers to some other authors they may not be familiar with.

  • The networking is a wonderful chance to learn about marketing and promotional ideas and opportunities to help you grow as a writer.

  • When authors join forces, their reach expands exponentially.

  • Regular writing helps you hone your writing, research, and revision skills.

  • And you meet some incredibly talented people who are fun to hang out with.