Getting Focused - Staying Focused


I’m not sure about you, but since the pandemic started, I’ve had days where I had trouble focusing on writing. I call it COVID brain. I get distracted by life, Zoom meetings, social media, horrible news, you name it. Here are some tips that have helped me focus, refocus, and stay focused.

  • Take a break from the news and news sites. It’ll still be there when you go back to check it. Constant bombardment of bad and depressing news takes its toll on you, your attitude, and motivation.

  • Try to schedule your writing time as work time and have tasks that need to be completed (e.g. writing, editing, revising, etc.). I stay on task when I know there’s a deadline.

  • If you’re writing, set goals for daily word counts. This helps me stay on track and to see progress.

  • Find your team. The writing life is often lonely. Make sure you have writer friends to share celebrations and bumps in the road with.

  • My critique groups keep me motivated. I’m in two groups, and we meet once a month. I know I have a deadline to provide pages to them. I also like hanging out with my writer friends to see what they’ve been up to lately.

  • Turn off the streaming, TV, internet, or other distractions when you’re working. I’ll check my social media sites, but I close the browser after a set time. It’s too easy to get lost in puppy or kitten videos.

  • Limit your research time. It’s important when you’re plotting, but if you stop writing to research something, you often don’t get back to your rhythm. Make a note in the margin and save your research tasks for another time.

  • Don’t edit or revise while you write. Get your first draft down. Then go back to do your polishing.

  • When you can’t get motivated or the words don’t flow, take a break. Exercise, do something creative, take a walk, or take a nap. Use the time to refocus your thoughts. Sometimes, when you relax your mind, you’re able to solve the plot holes and get around the roadblocks.

  • If you get off track, don’t beat yourself up. Assess where you are and start your writing process again.

I hope you’re doing well and being productive during this crazy time. Watch out for the distractions! Be safe!

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