Improving Your Productivity - Tips for Writers

In workshops and interviews, I’m asked a lot about how long it takes me to write a novel. It took me over five years to write my first novel (and another two to get it published). As I worked on my writing and revising skills, I came up with some ideas that would help me be more productive and focused with my writing time. You need to find what works for you and your life. Here is what I do.

  1. I spend about a week plotting the story idea and thinking about what characters need to be involved.

  2. I write an outline of each chapter. It’s usually a bulleted list of what happens. This helps me see where I can add clues and suspense. It also helps me see motives.

  3. I need between 28-35 chapters for my word count. (I write cozy mysteries.)

  4. I create a character list in an Excel spreadsheet to make sure I remember the key details. (I add a column for each book in the series.)

  5. Then I start to write. I still have a day gig, so I write before work and during lunch. If I don’t hit my word count for the day, I’ll write more at night.

  6. I try to do 1,000 words on workdays and at least 3,000 words on weekends and holidays. Life gets in the way sometimes, so if I know I have something else to do, I try to write ahead. Do your best to keep your schedule, but don’t beat yourself up. Some days, the words aren’t there.

  7. I just write during this time. I don’t revise or edit. When I started writing, this really bogged me down. I spent months rewriting and revising before I ever finished the first draft.

  8. When I’m done, I save it. (And always make a backup.) I then print out the draft.

  9. Now it’s time for revising. I’ll spend another month or so looking for typos, plot holes, and any other thing that doesn’t make sense or contribute to the story. I add new stuff, and I delete a whole bunch of junk that bogs down the flow.

  10. It’s time now for beta readers or my critique group.

  11. Then it’s time for more revisions.

  12. My agent and her fantastic crew read it next and provide feedback.

  13. And it’s finally ready to go out for query.

This is my system, and it works for me. Give it a try. Keep what works for you. I am able to write at least three novels a year now.