Take Care of You, Too - Tips for Writers


We have been through a lot over the last year and a half. Some, more than others. The pandemic and its chaos has forced everyone to change, adapt, and extend grace to others. I suggest that you include yourself.

There are going to be days that you don’t feel like writing. It’s okay to stray from your schedule. Just make sure to have a plan to get back on track. Don’t beat yourself up. Learn from the situation and do your best. And if you have contractual deadlines, make sure to build in time when planning to accommodate a few skip days.

Sadness, losses, and disappointments are part of life, but that doesn’t make them any easier to cope with. Make sure you give yourself time and space to grieve.

Take care of your health. Make sure you’re eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. I spend way too much time at my desk these days. I need to find more ways to move around.

Reach out to others to talk or visit. Writing is a single-person sport most of the time, but you do need contact with others. Find a crew of writers. Having a support network is invaluable for advice, celebrations, and to keep you motivated.

Try not to dwell or fixate on the disappointments. It’s easy to get mired in that quicksand, and sometimes, it’s difficult to get out of. If you’re not in the mindset to write, work on other tasks (e.g. revisions, editing, queueing up blog posts, social media tasks, or administrative tasks that you never get around to.) You can still be productive and work on your manuscript later.

News anchor, Lester Holt’s closing line is always a great reminder for all of us, “Take care of yourself and each other.”