What to do When You Don't Feel Like Writing

I try to write every day, but life does get in the ways sometimes. And there are days when I just don’t feel like working. Here are some ideas to jump start your creativity.

  • When I am in writing mode, I try to “bank some words” to meet my weekly goals. This gives me some flexibility for days with less productivity. I also do this if I know I have a busy day with not much time to write.

  • Work on other projects like your website, blog, editing, proofreading.

  • Work on book marketing or event planning.

  • Build your social media platforms by following new accounts and responding to comments and posts.

  • Excercise. Even a few minutes will get your endorphins pumping.

  • Take a break and go for a walk (even if it’s up and down the hall). A change of scenery is often good.

  • Work on another creative project like cooking, painting, sewing, etc. Sometimes, it will help you get your mind focused when you return to writing.

  • Step away from your desk and go somewhere else. The time away is often the break you need.

  • Make sure you’ve turned off or blocked out distractions. Sometimes, shutting the door helps. I use my noise-cancelling headphones before I throw in the towel on an unproductive writing session.

When I’m not motivated, it’s usually because I’m distracted by something else (usually my phone, email, or social media). My headphones were a great investment.