New Year's Resolutions for Writers

It's resolution-making time again. Are you ready for the new year? Here is my list of resolutions for writers...

1. I will make time to write. I will never finish my manuscript if I don't work on it.

2. If I want to be a published author, I need to work on my craft. I will look for ways to improve my writing this year (e.g. classes, critique group, writing partner, etc.).

3. I will invest in my writing business this year. I will create or update my website. I will make sure my social media sites have the same professional look.

4. I will update my headshot. It is noticeable when you're using a ten-year old photo.

5. If I am prepublished, I will send out queries or look for ways to have my work published.

6. I will look at my marketing plan, or I will create one. Where should I spend my time publicizing my blog or my work? How often do I advertise? What platforms work for my type of writing?

7. I will commit to a blog schedule, and I will post regularly.

8. I will strive to be more social on social media platforms. I will share others' information and look for groups with similar interests. I will build relationships and resources.

9. I will strive to balance my writing with all the other things that life throws my way.

10. I will exercise more.

What else would you add? Happy New Year!