Don't Go It Alone - Find a Writer's Group

It can be lonely in your writing cave. Writers need to find their groups. It's important to have others to chat with, brainstorm ideas, and share celebrations (and setbacks). I am very fortunate to be a part of several writing groups.

I've been a member of Sisters in Crime for almost seven years. It's a wonderfully supportive group of mystery and thriller writers. Our local chapter has programs and opportunities for our writers. We've partnered with another chapter to produce two short story anthologies to provide our members publication and book marketing opportunities.

Several of our published authors in our chapter created Lethal Ladies Write. We blog together and promote each other on social media. We also partner for book signings and workshops. My chapter also has a critique group, and their feedback on my works in progress is invaluable.

I am also a member of SinC's online chapter, the Guppies (The Great Unpublished). It's another supportive group, that even when folks are published, they hang around to offer assistance and information. They offer online workshops, training, and listservs for a variety of interests.

I joined James River Writers last year, and I wondered what took me so long. It is based in Richmond, VA. This group celebrates and supports all kinds of writing. It offers programs, workshops, and an annual writing conference that grows and grows every year.

Each of these groups off me support, new ideas, advice, and comradery. And they also help me to understand that I'm not alone on my writing journey. Sometimes, I need to be reminded of that.

There are a variety of writing groups out there, some local and others online. Some are genre-specific, and others are more general. Here are some you should check out: