You Can Do This! Tips to Help Writers Stay Motivated

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Writing is primarily a solitary business, and a bad day, the grumpies, a negative review, or someone’s snarky comment can easily send you to a demotivated state. If you want to be a published author, you need to persevere. Writing and publishing are work. You need to keep at it. Here are some ideas that can help you get going .

  • Look at the feedback/criticism. Learn from it, but don’t dwell on it.

  • Keep control of that voice in your head. Be aware of your self-talk. You don’t need to make things worse by fixating on them.

  • Take a break and do something else for a while. Physical activity will clear your mind and get your endorphins going.

  • Do something else that’s creative (e.g. paint, draw, knit, sew…). It will boost your energy.

  • Be grateful. Count your blessings. You’ll be surprised at the list of positive things in your life.

  • Volunteer or help someone else. You’ll often find that your troubles aren’t as challenging as what others are facing. And you are often able to make a difference in someone’s life.

  • Writing is work, and it’s a long process. There is a lot of waiting (e.g. on queries, responses, contracts, edits…). You need to stay busy during the down times. Write your next book.

  • When something happens that you don’t like, take a minute to cry, scream, yell, or eat chocolate. Get it out of your system and move on. You’ve got things to do. Don’t waste precious time wallowing in self-pity.