#WriterWednesday Interview with Kathrin Hutson

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I’d like to welcome author Kathrin Hutson to the blog for #WriterWednesday.

Things you need for your writing sessions: My 48-ounce water bottle, headphones playing genre-appropriate music without lyrics, a snack (usually a protein bar), and complete isolation in a room with a closed door.

Things that hamper your writing: Outside noise I can hear over my headphones, an empty water bottle, my kid knocking on my door (my husband’s a stay-at-home-dad, so she at least has supervision LOL), and the internet in general.

Things you love about writing: It comes so easily and naturally to me. Building characters. Getting into the flow. Supporting my family full-time on writing. The literal act of writing.

Things you hate about writing: Research. Something you wish you could do: Take care of more than one plant without somehow letting everything die.

Something you wish you’d never learned to do: Procrastinate.

Things you’d walk a mile for: A library, live music, the best sushi in the world.

Things that make you want to run screaming from the room: Loud chewing and being interrupted when I’m talking (I always forget what I was saying…).

Things you always put in your books: Darkness LOL. And death, humor, romantic streaks, violence, some kind of magic/ability, not-quite-happy-any-way-you-put-it endings.

Things you never put in your books: HEA. Characters losing themselves to love triangles. Romantic love being literally more important than everything else. Hate.

Things to say to an author: “I can’t wait to read your next book.” “I read [insert series name] last week and loved it!” “I’ve been listening to all your interviews.” “Found my new favorite author. It’s you!”

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: “I don’t really read.” “I just hope you care about spending as much time with your family as you do writing books.” (Yeah… << That one was a doozey.)

Favorite places you’ve been: Mexico. San Francisco. Nevada City, CA. Any aspen grove in the spring and summer.

Places you never want to go to again: Las Vegas, New Mexico (I know, not Nevada). Kanorado, KA.

Favorite things to do: Reading. Sit around outside during the summer and chat with friends. Dancing. Eating sushi. Discovering amazing whiskey. Date night at gourmet restaurants.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: Pull weeds LOL. Lie about my beliefs. Scrub shower tiles. Drive during rush-hour (haven’t done that in years).

Things that make you happy: Sunshine and breeze. The perfect cup of tea. Snuggling my kid. The smell of rain. A clean house. Playing music with other people. Anyone who laughs at my awful jokes.

Things that drive you crazy: People not using a turn signal. Online deliveries that don’t arrive when they’re scheduled LOL. My two 80-pound dogs literally barking at leaves blowing down the street. Folding laundry and finding everyone else’s clothes scattered all over the place the next morning.

Best thing you’ve ever done: Make the decision to forgive myself and move forward.

Biggest mistake: Taking as long as I did to forgive myself and not writing anything for four years. Then again, I wouldn’t really change anything, because it’s all brought me to where I am right now. So that might not even be a mistake.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: Move across the country with my husband (not yet married, then) after we’d known each other for four months—no plan, no jobs, everything we owned packed into a Nissan Altima.

Something you chickened out from doing: I’m more the kind of person who knows my limits and says “absolutely not” the first time around… so I’m never really in a chickening-out position in the first place. I did one time agree to go skydiving with a friend. That definitely never happened.

The nicest thing a reader said to you: “Thank you for writing what you write. The world needs to hear it the exact way you’re saying it.”

The craziest thing a reader said to you: “I’m so disgusted, and I’ve lost all the escape I read fiction to find in the first place.”

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About Kathrin:

International Bestselling Author Kathrin Hutson has been writing Dark Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and LGBTQ Speculative Fiction since 2000. With her wildly messed-up heroes, excruciating circumstances, impossible decisions, and Happily Never Afters, she’s a firm believer in piling on the intense action, showing a little character skin, and never skimping on violent means to bloody ends. In addition to writing her own dark and enchanting fiction, Kathrin spends the other half of her time as a fiction ghostwriter of almost every genre, as Fiction Co-Editor for Burlington’s Mud Season Review, and as Director of TopShelf Interviews for TopShelf Magazine.

She is a member of both the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and the Horror Writers Association. Kathrin lives in Colorado with her husband, their young daughter, and their two dogs, Sadie and Brucewillis. For updates on new releases, exclusive deals, and dark surprises you won’t find anywhere else, sign up to Kathrin’s newsletter at kathrinhutsonfiction.com/subscribe.

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