More Book Marketing Tips - What I Learned from Sandra Beckwith

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I had the pleasure of attending an online presentation from the Buckeye Crime Writers with Sandra Beckwith. Check out her Build Book Buzz website. It is a wealth of information for authors.

Here were my key take-aways from her presentation.

  1. The bulk of book promotion is up to the author.

  2. If you are an indie (self-published) author, you need to follow the traditional publishing standards (e.g. covers, editing, writing standards). Readers have expectations for the books they choose.

  3. Hire a professional with experience in your genre to do your cover.

  4. Make sure your book is edited and proofread.

  5. Know who your reader is. Look at the demographics of your social media followers.

  6. Put your effort in the social media sites where your readers are.

  7. Be an active contributor on social media.

  8. Make sure you have an email/newsletter list.

  9. Before you launch your book, make sure you have a marketing plan. It should start before your book launch.

  10. Have realistic expectations about sales and success.

  11. Be gentle with yourself.

  12. Don’t give up. It takes time to achieve success.

  13. Continue to market your book as long as it is available for sale.