How Do You Get Recharged? Tips for Writers


Everybody hits a slump or a block from time to time. Sometimes, there's an awful feeling of being overwhelmed. The key is not stay there or wallow in doubt, despair, or fear. Here are some ideas to get you recharged and back on your writing projects.

1. I go to my monthly critique group meetings. Having a deadline for submitting work to be reviewed helps me keep on track. Plus, I love interacting with talented and creative people. I learn as much from others' critiques as I do from those of my work.

2. I also attend writers' group meetings and events. Many of these have a learning component, and experiencing new things always recharges me. It's also a great way to interact with other writers. I can't say enough about how valuable my writing network is to me. I get ideas, critiques, and support from people who have the same experiences.

3. If it's not feasible to join a group in your area, there are plenty online. I receive a digest of the threads each day. Even though I don't have the time to read and respond to every thread, I do check out interesting topics and keep up with new projects. And it's nice to know that you're not alone in your writing cave.

4. Take some time off and do something interesting or fun. Usually, the break is all I need to get back into writing mode. 

5. Volunteer some of your time. There are so many  groups that appreciate the help. Time away helps you clear your thoughts and get focused.

6. Exercise. Get those endorphins pumping. You'll feel better. (I recently got a stand-up desk at my day gig. It is wonderful. I feel so much better at the end of the day.)

7. I get overwhelmed when I have too many projects going at once, even if they're in different stages. I need to prioritize and focus on the critical tasks. That helps me quell the anxiety and stress.

8. Learn how to say "no" nicely (but firmly). It's hard. There are so many people making requests of you, and you can't do it all. It takes a lot of effort to balance your writing with the rest of your life. I would love to participate in every author or volunteer event that comes along, but sometimes, it's not feasible. Your time is valuable. Guard your writing time.

9. If you don't have a writers group, invite a couple of writers to lunch or coffee. Make time to network and share ideas. Peer groups are important.

How do you recharge? What would you add to my list?
