8 Customer Service Truths That Apply to Authors

I am always looking for good customer service books and case studies for work. I recently finished Bruce Loeffler and Brian Church's he Experience: The 5 Principles of Disney Service and Relationship Experience. It has some good take-aways for writers. We don't always think about customer service or relationships with our readers, but maybe we should. Here's what I learned...

  • Excellent companies all "possess a relentless resolve to create the best experience possible for their clients or customers." I say that excellent writers do the same.
  • The I CARE philosophy is: Impression, Connection, Attitude, Response, and Exceptional. It's key to how you interact with your customers.
  • "Average never inspired anyone."
  • We get into trouble when we leave things to chance, or we are unprepared.
  • Are you ready? Put some energy and enthusiasm in your voice.
  • Be intentional and deliberate.
  • The FACE philosophy is: Friendliness, Attitude, Connection, and Excellence.
  • Your name is the most important thing you own.
I thought that as I writer, I would just create brilliant books. I didn't realize how many presentations, interviews, workshops, and book signings were involved. I'm glad I have a business background and experience with public speaking through Toastmasters. How you present yourself and your work are important to readers.