#WriterWednesday Interview with Meg Halfdahl and Kelly Florence

I’d like to welcome Meg Halfdahl and Kelly Florence to the blog for #WriterWednesday!

Things you never want to run out of:

Kelly: Hopefully my house will never run out of coffee and I certainly don’t want to run out of ideas! I believe staying curious and wanting to always learn will keep me motivated, creative, and getting inspired to write.

Meg: Books to read! If that happens then I must be stranded on a desert island. I also need my pugs, if I run out of cuddles from my pugs, Muffin and Sunny I get very cranky.

Things you wish you’d never bought:

Kelly: There have been way too many impulsive clothing purchases because of a good sale. Just because something is discounted doesn’t mean it’s worth purchasing.

Meg: Oh, wow. Probably anything related to fad dieting. It never works, and I just end up feeling like a failure! Don’t buy diet plans, apps, shakes, or books, friends!

A few of your favorite things:

Kelly: My house is filled with movie memorabilia (mainly horror, of course) and my favorite piece is a vintage Stephen King poster from when he spoke in 1983 in New Mexico.

Meg: I have a soft spot for stuffed animals. I can’t seem to get rid of them, and they make me happy! I have kept my favorite childhood teddy, Mama Bear, who is fragile and needs to sit high on a shelf now. She was well-loved.

Things you need to throw out:

Kelly: As a fan of the show Hoarders, I’ve been inspired to throw a lot out recently. It’s just stuff!

Meg: Haha, probably a lot of books I didn’t like or am never going to read. Like stuffed animals, it’s tough for me to get rid of books. Even bad ones!

Things you need for your writing sessions:

Kelly: A comfy spot to sit, some caffeine, and a set aside period of time are all I need to write.

Meg: The aforementioned pugs by my side, silence, and some green tea with honey!

Things that hamper your writing:

Kelly: My ten-year-old daughter recently adopted a cat who likes to walk across my keyboard or sit in my lap while I’m writing. That definitely slows my progress!

Meg: Getting distracted by my phone, the piles of laundry, wanting to keep reading a great novel instead of writing one!

Hardest thing about being a writer:

Kelly: The hardest part of being a writer is having deadlines when life gets in the way. When it rains, it pours and several things tend to be due at once.

Meg: I’d say that editing can be a challenge for me, especially the developmental side of things. When you fix one thing then it causes a domino effect that makes things more complicated, especially in novels.

Easiest thing about being a writer:

Kelly: Writing with my best friend is the easiest part of being a writer because we can share the journey with each other, encourage one another, and get inspired by the other.

Meg: Ahh! Thanks Kelly! I’d say that when I get into the groove and I’m so excited about the words I’m putting down that time flies.

Words that describe you:

Kelly: I would describe myself as kind, sensitive, and thoughtful.

Meg: I agree that Kelly is all those things! And I’d say I’m funny, patient, and smart.

Words that describe you, but you wish they didn’t:

Kelly: The same three words can also be my downfall: kind to a fault, too sensitive, and sometimes overthinking.

Meg: Ooooh, probably anxious and easily overwhelmed.

Favorite foods:

Kelly: Give me pizza or pasta any day and I’m happy but I will never turn down tacos, soba, or the Minnesota staple tater tot hot dish.

Meg: What don’t I like? I’m a huge carb fan, give me bread in any form, and my treat is salmon once or twice a month. I also love fried eggs, rice, and tofu. All the food.

Things that make you want to gag:

Kelly: I used to like mushrooms but one bad experience later I can’t eat them anymore.

Meg: I also hate mushrooms. And Bloody Marys. Those are nasty!

Favorite smell:

Kelly: Fresh cut grass in the summer reminds me of childhood and happiness.

Meg: Coffee is such a bright scent that wakes me up. I’m also a sucker for lavender and eucalyptus, those are my go-to candles.

Something that makes you hold your nose:

Kelly: Any cologne or perfume that is worn heavily because the person applying it is nose blind to it is tough to take.

Meg: I’m not a big fan of super sweet scents in candles like frosted cupcake or caramel brownie, it’s too much!

Something you’re really good at:

Kelly: I feel like I’m very good at organizing and planning my time especially when it comes cooking, teaching, and writing.

Meg: I hope writing! Also word games, yoga, and guessing what time it is!

Something you’re really bad at:

Kelly: Sports or anything athletic are my weakest area in life so I tend to avoid them!

Meg: I can’t draw anything. And I’m not the most devoted cook. I’d much prefer letting Kelly cook!

Things you’d walk a mile for:

Kelly: I’d walk a mile for a lot of things including a movie premiere, a great restaurant, or anything involving my family.

Meg: I try to walk a couple miles every week, so just being out in nature and time to think or listen to an audio book is worth it for me!

Things that make you want to run screaming from the room:

Kelly: I’m not one who enjoys rodents or spiders, especially in my house, so I definitely don’t stick around long when I encounter one.

Meg: Awkward social interactions?

Favorite things to do:

Kelly: My favorite pastimes include watching TV and movies, reading, traveling, and attending live theatre.

Meg: Reading, yoga, traveling, puzzles, TV and movies, eating.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing:

Kelly: I don’t know about eating bugs to avoid these but I don’t enjoy waking up excessively early, fixing technological issues with devices, and filling out mundane paperwork.

Meg: Tent camping or running a marathon. I love walking but hate running.

The nicest thing a reader said to you:

Kelly: We have met so many amazing readers over the years and are always thrilled when we connect with someone. A woman told us recently we inspired her to watch more horror movies because our books were a gateway into the genre for her.

Meg: When a character of mine resonates with a reader that really makes me feel fulfilled. I want my characters to feel real and to make sense to readers, maybe on a close, personal level for some, so that really has warmed my heart to hear!

The craziest thing a reader said to you:

Kelly: You never know who you’re going to meet and a reader told us last month she personally knows one of the Grady girls from The Shining film!

Meg: Haha, oh probably when they ask did you REALLY write this book?

Some real-life story that made it to one of your books:

Kelly: We include many personal stories in our books and readers often connect to that and appreciate our candor. For example, I’ve shared personal stories about past relationships as well as childhood memories that contributed to who I am today.

Meg: Oh yes, we share a lot of ourselves, like how I came to be enamored of the true-crime genre because of an Ed Gein biography I bought as a middle-schooler.

Something in your story that readers think is about you, but it’s not:

Kelly: Oftentimes, people will assume because we’re horror fans and write about horror that we ourselves are dark, macabre, and scary. We’re approachable and kind, I promise!

Meg: Yes, to echo Kelly, I was just told the other day that I was “too nice” to be a horror writer. We can like horror and still smile!