An End of the Year Checklist for Writers


It’s the end of the year again, and I’m not quite sure how that happened. I love this time of year with the holidays and activities, but I always feel I’m running 100 mph to keep up.


Here’s my end of year checklist I put together to keep up with my writing life.

  • Make sure you have copies of all receipts and tax documents. It’ll make tax season easier.

  • Go through all of your pictures from the past year and archive the old ones. I use an external hard drive for storage and to remove the clutter from my phone, PC, and tablet.

  • Make sure that you back up all of your important files regularly. Don’t accidentally lose your work. It will make you cry.

  • Most of my writing groups’ dues are due in December. I go ahead and pay them to make sure I’m current for next year. (Save all receipts.)

  • Look at your goals for the past year. Did you have successes? Make your list for the new year.

  • I go through all my TBR (To Be Read) piles. I have a book shelf in my office, a pile on my nightstand, and one in the living room. I end up with a lot of books. What I don’t plan to keep, I share with my local libraries.

  • Clean off your desk. It’s a magnet for clutter and things you don’t need.

  • Get your calendar for 2020 organized.

  • Clean off your computer. Archive any old files that you don’t need.

  • Celebrate your successes, wins, and accomplishments from the past year.