Does Your Author Bio Need a Check up?


I usually update my bio on my website and social media sites when I have a new book or when something chagnes. It’s a good idea to check these every so often to make sure your information is current — especially on sites that you don’t visit every day.

  1. I keep a list of links to all my social media sites to make sure that I check on all of them when there is a change.

  2. If your author photo current? Do you look like your picture? You don’t want to surprise people when you meet them in person.

  3. Make sure that all your links work correctly. I have an RSS feed on my Amazon author page that stopped working. I had to correct it, so that my feed appeared correctly without an error message.

  4. Is your publication list current? If you link your books to your sites, make sure that everything appears correctly.

  5. Does your biography need to be refreshed? Did you add publications, skills, or group memberships? It’s a good idea to have a short, medium, and long bio on your website and press kit.

  6. You want the “look and feel” to be similar across your social media platforms, so people recognize you. My original website was black and red to match the cover of the first two anthologies I was in. A publicist recommended that I lighten the colors since I don’t write thrillers or horror. My mysteries are light, funny, and often cozy.

  7. If you have pinned posts or tweets, make sure they are current and still relevant.

  8. If you have an events list, make sure the content is up to date. People who see 2017 events on your site, know that you don’t update your content very often.
