Watch out for Mobile Malware

Malicious software that targets devices and accesses your sensitive information is called mobile malware. Applications, email, texts, and webpages are ways that this software can affect and infiltrate your devices.

Here are some tips to help you protect your mobile devices and accounts:

  • Stay current with your software updates. These contain patches to fix vulnerabilities. If you skip updates, your device isn’t protected.

  • Use secure WiFi. This can limit attackers from introducing malware on your device.

  • Don’t click on questionable links in texts and emails. This one should be on the list multiple times. This is the easiest way for you to let a bad guy in.

  • Be aware of who you’re responding to in texts. Attackers often impersonate people you know or might respond to. These are called smishing attempts/attacks.

  • Only download apps from reliable sources (your trusted app store). You take a chance if you download from a link or an unknown website.

Be careful out there. There are a lot of bad actors. You have to be vigilant all the time.