#WriterWednesdayInterview with Sue Minix

I’d like to welcome the fabulous Sue Minix back to the blog to talk about some of her favorite (and not so favorite) things for #WriterWedneday!

Favorite thing to do when you have free time:

I love to read and watch movies.

The thing you’ll always move to the bottom of your to do list:

I hate to clean the house!

Things you need when you’re in your writing cave:

Coffee or tea depending on the time of day and my dog by my side.

Things that distract you from writing:

Whichever TV series I’m binge-watching.

Hardest thing about being a writer:

Getting the words on the screen.

Easiest thing about being a writer:

Making up the story.

Favorite snacks:

Chocolate, ice cream, and cookies.

Things that make you want to gag:

Rare steak.

Something you’re really good at:


Something you’re really bad at:

Writing on a schedule.

Favorite things to do:

Read, watch TV, watch movies, go hiking with my dog.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing:

Clean the house, go to a party, make a video starring me.

The most exciting thing about your writing life:

Seeing my books in a bookstore.

The one thing you wish you could do over in your writing life:

I wouldn’t quit writing every time someone didn’t fawn over my work.

The nicest thing a reader said to you:

I love this series! I can’t wait for the next book to come out.

The craziest thing a reader said to you:

You’re pigeonholing women by calling the librarian character’s dress a “librarian frock.”

Best piece of advice you received from another writer:

Your dialogue is stilted. Try to make it more natural.

Something you would tell a younger you about your writing:

Don’t quit!!!

Recommendations for curing writer’s block:

Read books in your genre. They can trigger ideas you can use in your own work.

Things you do to avoid writing:

Read and watch TV.

About Sue:

Sue is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and the Crime Writer's Association. When she isn't writing, you can find her reading, watching old movies, or hiking the New Mexico desert with her furry best friend.

Let’s Be Social:

Website: www.sueminixauthor.com

Facebook, Instagram, Threads: sueminixauthor.com

#WriterWednesday Interview with Sue Minix

I’m so excited to welcome Sue Minix to the blog for #WriterWednesday!

A few of your favorite things: I love chocolate in all forms, puppies, old movies, and reading mysteries.

Things you need to throw out: I need to throw out my VCR, the exercise bike I never use, and all the expired stuff in my medicine cabinet.

Things you need for your writing sessions: I need my laptop, coffee or herbal tea depending on the time of day, and my dog Sadie by my side in order to write anything at all.

Things that hamper your writing: Not having any of the above, forgetting to turn my phone off, somebody working in the yard.

Things you love about writing: I love creating the story and characters, plotting, and editing.

Things you hate about writing: I hate writing!!! It can take me an hour to come up with one good sentence. And then my editor makes me take it out.

Things you never want to run out of: Honestly, I hate to run out of anything. I keep backups of my backups.

Things you wish you’d never bought: The exercise bike I need to get rid of!

Favorite music or song: I love light rock and anything from the 60s or 70s.

Music that drives you crazy: Heavy metal because I can never understand the words.

Favorite beverage: It’s a tie between coffee and Mountain Dew Code Red

Something that gives you a sour face: Ginger tea

Favorite smell: My dogs paws. They smell like corn chips.

Something that makes you hold your nose: Blue cheese and gin. I can’t get past the smell to try either one of them.

The last thing you ordered online: I ordered a selfie tripod so I can take my own author photos.

The last thing you regret buying: That stupid exercise bike!!!

Favorite books (or genre): I love mysteries of all kinds.

Books you wouldn’t buy: Super heavy literary novels

Favorite things to do: I love to go hiking. It doesn’t matter where.

Things you’d run through a fire or eat bugs to get out of doing: Cleaning my house. I can always think of something better to do.

The funniest thing to happen to you: I drove my car into my empty driveway one day and thought, “Oh my God! My car’s been stolen!!!”

The most embarrassing thing to happen to you: I once spent two hours searching a mall parking lot for the car I traded in the day before.

About Sue:

I'm a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America, and when I'm not writing, you can find me reading, watching old movies, or hiking the New Mexico desert with my furry best friend.

Let’s Be Social:

Website: Home | Sue Minix Author

 Facebook: Sue Minix Author | Facebook

Instagram: Sue Minix (@sueminixauthor) • Instagram photos and videos