Pet Sidekicks

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I love pets, and I'm drawn to mysteries and thrillers that have pet characters. My sidekicks are two crazy Jack Russell Terriers, Disney and Riley. Disney's been the model for Darby in my story, "Moving On," and Bijou in a cozy mystery that I'm working on. I started listing authors who have pets in their mysteries. I found lots with cats and dogs. And only one with a hamster. And I found lots to add to my TBR (To Be Read) piles.


  • Robert B. Parker's Sunny Randall and Rosie the miniature American Bull Terrier

  • Ellery Adams' Olivia Limoges and Captain Haviland the Standard Poodle

  • Robert B. Parker's Spenser and Pearl the Wonder Dog

  • Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy and Tee Tucker, a Corgi

  • Spencer Quinn's Chet and Bernie Mystery Series

  • Dashiell Hammett's Nick and Nora Charles and Asta the Terrier

  • Judith Lucci's Michaela McPherson's Angel the German Shepherd

  • Waverly Curtis' The Barking Detective Series with Pepe the Chihuahua

  • My Delanie Fitzgerald Series with Margaret the English Bull Dog


  • David Baldacci's John Puller and AWOL the cat

  • Lorna Barrett's Tricia Miles and Miss Marple

  • Lilian Jackson Braun's Jim Qwilleran's Koko and Yum Yum

  • Rita Mae Brown's Mrs. Murphy and Sneaky Pie Brown

Lots of Pets

  • Krista Davis' Pens and Paws Mystery Series

  • Sparkle Abbey's Pampered Pets Mystery Series (Their pen name came from their pets.)

  • Bethany Blake's Lucky Paws Petsitting Mysteries

  • Annie Knox's Pet Boutique Murders


  • Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum and Rex the Hamster

Who else would you add to the list?

Pets in My Stories

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Pets are family, and they play a huge part in our lives. My husband and I share our home with two crazy Jack Russell Terriers, Disney (the brunette) and her brother Riley. They hang out in the office when I write. They also listen when I plot story lines or read dialog aloud. So it's quite natural that they'd be a part of my stories.


Margaret the Bulldog is the sidekick to my sleuth's partner. She has a starring role in Secret Lives and Private Eyes and The Tulip Shirt Murders. Margaret is a brown and white log with legs. She's not much security around the office, but she's good company. She's also the slobber queen, and her two favs are snacking and napping. Margaret is Duncan Reynold's constant shadow, and she likes riding shotgun in his Tweetybird yellow Camaro. (Secret Lives and Private Eyes also features a pair of Alpacas, Joe and Myrtle.)


I'm working on a novella called, Moving on. It should be out later this year. This cozy features a little Jack Russell named Darby who uncovers the murder. She's based on my JRT Disney. Darby is a bundle of energy who likes walks, games of rope tug, snuggles, and lots of treats. I have another novel in progress, and it has a JRT named Bijou. Disney was also the model for her. Riley's feeling a little slighted, so I'll have to base the next dog on him.

My short stories also have dogs and cats. They're such an integral part of our world. If you like books with pets, check out the blog, Pens, Paws, and Claws. I blog with nine other talented, pet-loving authors. Stop by to see their latest adventures.


What type of pets do you like to read about?
