The Giving Season

We are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, and I’m still wondering where June and July went. It’s been crazy busy here, but I’m trying to enjoy the holiday season. I took a minute to reflect on gifts as I was standing in the check-out line at Target (No, I don’t do self-check-out. I get the worst customer service.) I was thinking about the things I’d given over the years.

When my nieces were little, (much to the dismay of my BIL), I gave the girls a karaoke machine. I was the aunt who didn’t give practical gifts. I bought the flashy splashy outfits and shoes that mom wouldn’t normally buy. I also gave them a photo book each year. (Thank you, SnapFish. I no longer have to pull out the scrapbooking supplies.) When I moved out after college, I didn’t have that many pictures from my childhood, so I made the decision to give them a photo book with their yearly highlights. They’re all grown up now, and I got to make a wedding book this year.

Now that all the nieces and nephews (and their spouses) are awesome adult human beings, I struggle with what to get them. I don’t get to shop in the hot pink toy aisle or chase after Ninja Turtle or Power Rangers action figures anymore. I’ve kinda turned into the giftcard-giving aunt. This year, I did find something fun, and I hope they like it. Funko Pop (I am such a fan of their pop culture figurines.) had an offer to create your own one-of-a-kind character. Here are the ones that I had made for Stan and me. His holds a camera and a pickleball paddle. I have a bottle of poison and the skull of my enemy. (You can see why we’re such a match.)

My parents, grandparents, and extended family always made the holidays special and magical. I love the LiteBright, the Easy Bake Oven, my sparkly blue bike with the streamers, the bright orange ride-on Corvette, all the Barbie gear, and my first brand new car. Stan and I got a puppy once for Valentine’s Day.

The gifts are awesome, but the time with family and friends is the best. I hope you and yours take the time to share each other’s company and to make some new memories this season.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever given?

Thanksgiving Traditions

I love fall and the kickoff to the holiday seasons. There are so many Thanksgiving and fall traditions.

When I was little, my grandmother and I put up her Christmas tree on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It was always a magical time and a great capstone for Thanksgiving weekend. I love Christmas, and I usually put up four or five trees. They’re themed by decorations or color. We haven’t done the outdoor decorations in a few years, so maybe this year, we’ll Griswold the front yard.

Back in the heyday of the malls in the 80s, the Friday after Thanksgiving was always our biggest shopping day, and it was usually an all-day event that started before dawn. I like shopping online now, so I do most of mine from my desk. But those days at Lynnhaven Mall and Pembroke Mall were fun and crazy because my sister could never make up her mind, and we visited the same stores multiple times. And Thankfully, I never did get caught up in the Cabbage Patch fights. Though, my nephew did send me on a wild goose chase one year looking for a very specific blue Power Ranger (that didn’t exist.)

I have to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and all the Charlie Brown specials each year. They are such a holiday tradition. And Thanksgiving is also the kickoff to all the holiday movies. (And yes, that includes Die Hard.)

Since I’ve been married and we host Thanksgiving at our house, Turkey Day is for food, family, and football. (My team is playing their arch-rival this year. Pleeeeeeeese let us win!) We usually eat the big meal at lunch and then spend the afternoon and evening snacking on football food during the games.

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?