Ways to Get Traffic to Your Website


All authors need a website with your current information and all your books. Getting people to visit your website can be a challenge sometimes. Here are some ideas to drive traffic to your website.

  1. Have a blog on your website and blog regularly. Pick a schedule that works for you and try to stick to it. Find your niche of what you want to share (e.g. tips about writing, social media tips, book promotion ideas, recipes, crafts, etc.).

  2. Share links to your blog posts on your other social media sites for advertising.

  3. Make sure to put your website’s URL on all of your other social media sites. If there’s not a specific field for it, make sure to include it in your biography or description.

  4. Find other authors like you and do a blog take-over. She posts on your blog while you post on hers. You swap audiences and hopefully introduce new readers to you.

  5. Find ways to have guest bloggers or interviews of others on your blog. When the guests share your post, other readers find your site. On my Pens, Paws, and Claws blog, we have #WriterWednesday interviews with guest authors.

  6. Build a network (formal or informal) of other bloggers/writers who will share each others’ posts. You spread your reach to all their followers.

  7. Review books on your blog.

  8. Do guest posts on others’ sites. Include your biography, website URL, book links, and social media links at the bottom of your post.

  9. Put your website’s URL on your bookmarks and business cards.

  10. Some authors give away freebies or have contests on their websites. Others give away short stories or excepts from a future work.

  11. Make sure you keep your content on your blog/website current. If people visit, and things are dated, they often don’t return.

Quirky Writing Habits - What Are Yours?


Do you have to have certain things when you’re writing? Do you have any writing rituals or habits? Here’s my list.

I always have to have some kind of background noise when I work. I don’t like it when it’s too quiet. I usually have some sort of music on. I have different playlists. I usually listen to louder music when I write. I have jazz and other smoother playlists for editing or proofreading. My sleuth Delanie Fitzgerald is an 80s girl, so when I’m working on that series, I usually have a Big 80s playlist going.


When I work at home, my Jack Russell Terriers have a dog bed on each side of my desk. They listen to me plot and read dialogue, but they tend to nap during most of the writing process.

If it’s a nice day, I like to write and read on my back deck. I like writing outside. My favorite place to write outside is the beach.

If it’s cold or rainy, I have a big comfy chair in the living room where I like to do rewrites or edits. It’s also my reading chair on snow days.

I am a caffeine junkie, so there is always iced tea, iced coffee, or a soft drink somewhere if I’m in serious writing mode.


My least favorite part of the writing process is making edits and updating the main file. Sometimes, I need chocolate for this task. Dark chocolate works best for me. I don’t normally get to excited about Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, but for some reason, I love the Easter egg ones. I always stock up on those in the spring.

When I’m plotting, I do mind-mapping or cloud diagrams that show the story line. When I start writing, I color code the chapters to show where there is romance, humor, and clues. That’s a quick check for me to see if I need to spread anything out.

What are your writing habits?

5 Keys for Authors and Social Media


Social media for authors is a vast subject, and if you ask ten people what works for them, you’ll get ten different answers. The algorithms and features on a lot of these sites change frequently, so something that worked for you last month doesn’t work the same way now. I’m doing some workshops in March for writers and their social media platforms. Here are the five things that I think are key for writers to know.

  1. Repeat what works for you. Try a variety of the platforms, but choose one or two that work for you and your readers and focus your time and energy there. If not, you will work yourself silly trying to keep up with all the posts, comments, and emails.

  2. Guard your writing time. Life and about a hundred other distractions will get in your way. Don’t let your social media time take over your writing time. You should be writing your next book.

  3. Be real and be social. Participate in conversations and network on these sites. Like, comment, and share others’ posts. Add to conversations. Start a conversation. And be timely. It looks odd if you comment on a thread from three months ago.

  4. Know your readers and your audience. Know the demographics (e.g. age, preferences, and styles) of your audience and post topics interesting to them. Facebook and Twitter analytics can help you see who is viewing and following your accounts. Find your niche. Your audience is not everyone who reads. You need to narrow it down and target your posts and marketing to that demographic.

  5. Make a plan. Decide which social media sites you want to focus on and figure out a schedule that works for you. I check my major sites every morning at breakfast. If I have time, I check during lunch. And I hop on after dinner and review updates. I also schedule posts on Fridays for the following week. A schedule helps me stay active on my sites, while balancing other things.

Rookie Writer Mistakes - We've All Made Them


Someone recently asked me at an event what advice I’d give to a new writer. This is a list of rookie writer mistakes (in no particular order). We’ve all made at least one.

  1. When you schedule an event, always confirm ALL of the details (e.g. where will you be seated, who’s handling the book sales, the date/time, location, etc.). I’ve had one outside event in January, and several in the middle of August.

  2. Always bring a box of books with you to every event. The bookseller could make a mistake, or you could sell out!

  3. Have a bag with your swag, book stands, pens, tape, etc. with you. Mine has bandages, mints, lotion, and scissors in it, too. At my very first book signing, my one and only pen died. Thank goodness, Mom had a supply with her.

  4. If you agree to an event, guest blog, or interview, meet your commitments. People are counting on you.

  5. Don’t burn bridges. Be professional. You never know who you’ll sit next to on a panel.

  6. ALWAYS get reliable references for services for editing, proofreading, book covers, and book promotions. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  7. Read all of your contracts. Consult legal professionals. You and your work are your brand, and you need to protect them.

  8. Treat your writing as a profession. Consult your tax advisor for advice about how to record sales, sales tax, etc. This is a business.

  9. Keep all of your receipts and track your mileage for your taxes. (See #8. It’s important.)

  10. Have a separate bank account for your writing.

  11. When you get to the point with your manuscript where you feel the book is done, then it’s time to send it to beta readers, your critique group, or an editor. It’s not ready for agents or publication at this point.

What would you add to the list?

I'm New to Twitter - What Should I Tweet?


Okay, so you created your Twitter account. Now what? Social media is for sharing information and building relationships. But what should I tweet about?

Tweet about the things you’re doing (e.g. things you’ve seen, movies you’ve watched, or books you’ve read). Include pictures to build interest.

Include appropriate hashtags (#) (e.g. #writingtips, #dogs #writingjourney), so others searching for that hashtag can see your post. Search hashtags of things you’re interested in. When you type a hashtag in your tweet, you’ll see a drop-down list of related ones.

Retweet others’ posts to share with your followers. You can just retweet or you can comment on it. (If you’re sharing news or pop culture information, I’d make sure the source is reliable.)

Share others’ celebrations. Retweet about your friends’ good news.

If you attend a book signing, conference, or workshop, take a picture and tweet it. Many events will have their own hashtag and that will promote your tweet to other attendees.

If you attend events with others, add a short video or a picture and tag them. (Type the @ sign and their Twitter handle e.g. @HeatherWeidner1 to tag someone.) People like to be recognized.

Twitter is a great platform for research, connecting with others, and building relationships. The number of followers you have almost never translates into direct book sales. Use the site to promote your books and events, but don’t make that the only thing you tweet about. Remember the 80/20 rule. Only about 20% of your posts should be “buy my book.”

If you blog, tweet a link to your blog post and add the appropriate hashtags. This will drive Twitter traffic to your blog/website.

Twitter has a direct message (DM) feature. This is a conversation between the two parties, and it’s not a tweet that everyone can see. I would use this feature sparingly with people I need to communicate with. Some people set up an automatic direct message to new followers with an ad or promotional information. This is often annoying if it’s unsolicited.

The goal is to get your tweet noticed (liked, retweeted, or commented on). Each interaction spreads your reach on the site. Look at your past tweets. If they’re not getting attention, I’d change my content. Certain tweets will generate more interaction than others.

You can mute or block others if you need to. Sometimes, there are unpleasant folks or bots that troll others. A block keeps them from contacting you or commenting on your posts. Mute removes them from your feed. You can also report accounts to Twitter.

Have fun with the site. I do a lot of research on Twitter. Sometimes, I’ll have a specific question, and there are so many kind people who will share their knowledge and experiences. For example, I ruptured my Achilles a while back, and so many people where helpful with advice about recovery and physical therapy. I also got an InstantPot recently, and Twitter has been great for sharing recipes.

If you want to start a conversation, ask a question and include hashtags. You’ll be surprised at the responses you’ll get.

Remember the social part. You need to reply to others’ conversations promptly. It looks weird if you comment on something months later.

What else would you add to my list? See you on Twitter!


Where Do I Start with Social Media Platforms? Tips for Authors


There are so many forms of social media out there. Where and when do I start as an author? It can be overwhelming.

I say start before you launch your first book. Start building your presence. I would pick a few sites and add others later. You can share information, links to blogs, book reviews, and other interesting information before your book is published.

Before you begin, you’ll need a professional photograph and a short biography. Make sure you have the links to your blog. As you set up your new accounts, remember that you can always go back and add or change information later.

I use Canva to create the artwork for headers (page banners) and posts. They have the templates already sized to fit all the major sites. This way you can customize your look and feel and make it match across all your sites.

Some authors struggle with whether to create a separate website/social media sites for each book. My recommendation is to create one for your author brand (either your name or your pen name). You, as author, are the focus, and your site should highlight your books. Now, many authors who write under different pen names often have separate sites for each identity.

Here are some other things you need to think about…

  • Make sure you have a website with a blog. Your website’s URL should be your name or your pen name. Make sure that you have a site that you (or someone you pay) can keep updated. Nobody wants to see your information from 2004. (The reason most people have a blog on their website is to have a way to add new content regularly to the site. Readers and followers don’t revisit sites where the content is outdated.)

  • Create an author Facebook page. After you gain followers, you’ll have access to analytics/metrics. The analytics show how many people interacted with your posts. On author pages, you can schedule posts. Some people use their personal Facebook page. Personal pages do have a cap on the number of friends you can have, and the algorithms limit the number of people who see certain types of posts.

  • Create an Amazon author page and connect all of your books to it. I also connected my blog, so followers can see recent posts.

  • Many social media sites can be connected. If you post to your author Facebook page, you can have it automatically tweet on Twitter. Decide if you want the same post on multiple sites. It can be a time-saver. But one draw back is that a post formatted for one social media site, may not fit or appear the same way on another. An example is if you auto-Tweet a Facebook post, it puts a link in the tweet to the Facebook post. Your followers on Twitter have to click the link to see what it is. (There’s often no picture.) Some people avoid these types of post, and you’re not getting action on that post.

  • There are other tools (free or for a fee) that will help you monitor and schedule posts on social media sites. As you gain experience, you may want to look at some of these to help you be efficient with your time. (I use a free version of TweetDeck to schedule my Twitter posts. I pay for Tweepi to help me manage followers. I also use a free mobile app called Followers to manage my Instagram account.)

  • Find the social media sites that you like and build your following there. You are more apt to visit those sites frequently and stay active on them. My go-to sites are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

  • Balance your writing and social media marketing time. It’s all important, but you need to be writing your next book.

Why Authors Should Have a Newsletter/Email List...


As an author, it’s important that you have a mailing list (for emails). Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, where you build your following, own the contact and make/change the rules. If your account is suspended or the site goes down, you no longer have access/contact information for your fans and followers. It’s a good idea to have a sign up sheet where you can collect names and email addresses. This is your list and you maintain it.

I use MailChimp to create my newsletters and maintain my contact list. If folks subscribe or unsubscribe, the application takes care of it. (You are required to unsubscribe those who request it.) The services vary, and you should choose one based on what you need, how often you publish, and how many emails are on your list. With these sites, you can also export your list to keep it as a backup.

Many authors offer something free (a short story or character information that’s not available anywhere else) to new newsletter subscribers. Sometimes, that’s a good hook to get people interested.

I have a page on my website for my newsletter. I also have a sign up form on the main page.

The list of email addresses belongs to you, so you should spend time cultivating it. I keep signup sheets and clipboard in my bag for events. This list is valuable. You know they are readers who are interested in your work.

Does Your Website Need a Health Check?


People often create a website and update it only occasionally. Authors need to periodically check their sites to make sure they’re current (and interesting). New material (and your author blog), keep readers coming back to your site. Here’s my checklist for author websites.

  1. Make sure your photo (author headshot) and biography are current. Your photo should be recent and professional.

  2. Include a list of events (including online ones like Facebook parties) on your site. Make sure that you keep the list up to date. No one wants to see your events from 2010.

  3. Check all of your links on your site to make sure that they still work. Make sure that you can move from page to page and your pages appear as you want them to look.

  4. Fill out your “contact me” form and verify that you get the email notification.

  5. Make sure that your newsletter signup form works correctly. You don’t want to miss people who are interested in your work.

  6. Include all of your publications with buy-links. I have a page for books, novellas, and short stories. Put your most current book first or at the top. When you do links, include multiple outlets to share the love among book retailers.

  7. Make sure you have a media page that has several biographies of different lengths (100, 250, and 500 words). Many authors include photos and book covers here. If you’re asked to do a presentation or someone’s doing an article or blog post on you, they’ll use the material on this page.

  8. Make sure that you have links to all your other social media sites. Verify that they work.

  9. Include your blog on your website (if you blog regularly). Again, people don’t want to stop by and see that your last post was in 2005. Pick a blogging schedule that works for you and try to stick to it. This is a great way to have fresh content on your site and to keep readers returning.

  10. Remove any web pages that are no longer useful. Many of your web applications will let you deactivate or archive them in case you want to use parts of them later.

  11. It is great to have someone create your site for you, but you either need a personal assistant or publicist to keep it current, or you need to maintain it yourself. Content from the last decade does not inspire readers to return to your site.

  12. If you’re looking for new ideas for your site, visit other authors’ pages that are in your genre. Look at the color choices, layouts, and content. Look at the order of their pages (links or tabs at the top).

  13. Look at your webpage on a computer, tablet, and cell phone. Most web services create pages that are “mobile friendly” and adapt to the screen on the device. But there are still some that don’t. Make sure your site looks professional on a variety of devices.